Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's All in Our Timing

It was perfect timing...
I had the time of my life...
We made it just in time...
This time it will be different...

How many times have you heard, asked, or said the above lines?  I can count having done so on more than my 10 fingers and toes, that's for sure.  Timing seems to be everything these days.  Everyone is watching the clock, taking note of the time, or asking others, 'Excuse me, but what time do you have?"  Why is that?  Are we so important that we must constantly be aware of the time and how much of it we have left?  When, in fact, we aren't the keepers of our time, nor are we in charge of how much of our time is left.  We are just players in Act I...with the hopes of making it to Act II (and it be a Heavenly Act II; not a fiery one!).

"It was perfect timing" - this was the quote my friend and I used most often through the course of our weekend road trip to my college alma mater for a football game.  We were pretty lax about the time we left out Friday evening, but as Saturday's game time drew near, we became more aware of 'the (unofficial) schedule' and what we wanted to pack into the time we had while on campus.  We were able to shop at two of the three campus stores, we walked through most of the campus as I told stories about the buildings or my experiences while attending college there, we were able to visit with three different friends of mine that had made it down for the game, and we were able to experience the festivities outside the stadium as well as pre-game rituals while all the while telling each other we'd made it with 'perfect timing.'

Did we miss anything due to constantly watching the clock?  Not really.  Did we hurry along just to get from one venue to the other?  Maybe.  Did we enjoy ourselves; I mean, really enjoy ourselves despite our attempts to perfectly time everything that day?  I hope so!

"I had the time of my life" - what an exciting statement to be able to make!  How many times are we able to actually make this statement throughout our days, weeks, and months of schedules, responsibilities, and appointments?  How many times could we probably have made this statement were we to actually look up from all of our planning efforts?  I'm finding more and more every day that there are blessings scattered throughout if I'll only stop, look up, and acknowledge them.  In fact, I believe some people become so desynthesised to their environments that when they do hear others make this statement, they wonder if that person has 1.) lost their marbles, 2.) is a drama queen (or king), or 3.) just forgot to take off the rose colored glasses.  How do you live your days?  As a blessing, or on a schedule dependent on time?

"We made it just in time" - lately, over the past several months, this is the statement I find myself thinking or saying quite often.  I have become either a master procrastinator or am trying to pack too much into my time between appointments and activities.  And when I do breeze into whatever item is scheduled, I never seem to have that feeling of being settled, relaxed, or comfortably prepared.  Skirting the clock's time can make us just as flustered as constantly watching the clock.

"This time it will be different" - this seems to be a mantra for some people.  I don't want it to become my mantra.  I want to make the difference and keep it that way. 

But, what is the 'difference'?  What is 'it' that will make things better, easier, or more relaxed?  I believe 'it' is Faith.  Faith that perfect timing is something none of us really need to worry over.  Faith that the time of our life is right now.  Faith that we're making it just in time, because that's all part of the 'grand plan'.  Faith that this time it will be different from here on out because we've chosen to put our worries, our schedules, and our 'must dos' in God's hands. 

He has the master schedule.  He knows what's coming next.  All He asks is that we have Faith in Him and do the right thing.  Sounds easy when you read it.  Seems a bit more difficult when you say it.  And, actually, it is a hard thing to do when you try to put it into practice.  But, no one ever said life would be easy.  Why else would we need an Act I to prepare for the eternal Act II?  Because we are imperfect beings.  And, we need some practice to get our timing down pat.

What schedules are blocking your way today from looking for your Faith?  I'm going to make that difference and begin looking for opportunities of blessings each day - and as I do, I believe that I'll be on the path that will lead me to the time of my life. 

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