Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Life is Alot Like LEGOs

Have you ever noticed how once LEGOs arrive in the house, they seem to accumulate at an unprecidented rate?  It doesn't seem to matter how often you clear the LEGOs from an area, they tend to accumulate somewhere else, only to pile up and become mountains of sharp, hard-to-contain pieces that if left to accumulate, look hopeless to clear away.

That's how it seems to be at times with problems and issues we have in our lives.  We can accumulate our grievances against others until those issues look hopeless to clear away.  We can't sweep the problems under the rug.  That might hide them for the time-being, but just like LEGOs, the problems are sharp and hurt when stepped on.  And, if left for too long, the problems become insurmountable. 

While finally sitting down last night to help my children clean up the mountain of LEGOs that were scattered here and there, I finally felt that sense of accomplishment when the last piece was placed in the container and put away.  Not swept under the rug to be stepped on at a later date, but really cleaned up and out.  I found that same sense of peace later in the evening when I addressed some issues that had amassed to a mountain of worry, concern, and distaste with a loved one.  While the outcome of the discussion may not be the one most would hope for, I was left with a sense of peace.  Yes, it hurt (and still does), but the items were aired for both of us to address, and now we will move forward knowing what the other is feeling.

Will this be the last of the LEGOs that will need to be cleared away?  Probably not.  But, like the issues addressed last night, at least now they're swept out from under the rug, addressed and stored in their proper containers, and the mountain of hopelessness has been abated.

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