Friday, June 4, 2010

Time Flies...Whether You're Having Fun or Not

Isn't it amazing how slowly times goes by when you're younger?  The months leading up to Christmas, the days leading up to your birthday, and the entire summertime all seem to creep by.  At what point in our lives does time suddenly start to break into a jog and finally begin sprinting past faster than we can bat an eye?

My Dad commented just today about hanging out with my kids one day and suddenly finding himself at the checkout counter at Target paying for toys the kids finagled him to purchase.  He said one minute they were playing at the house and the next, the kids were waving LEGOs (the toy of choice in my household) to be scanned at the checkout lane. 

It's amazing that we can look up from life and find that everything is passing us by at Mach I with our Hair on Fire.  I, for one, am trying to dutifully look up, enjoy what's going on around me, and s-l-o-w d-o-w-n...especially when I see my kids coming down the aisle in Target waving their box of LEGOs.  Because, the next thing I know, they'll be wearing a cap and gown while waving their diplomas high in the air.

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