While shopping at the local cosmetic "super center" yesterday, I came across the Spring 2010 nail polish colors. Being a nail color name enthusiast when getting pedicures, I was immediatly drawn to the season's trendiest colors...and their names. OPI's No Room for the Blues, Atomic Orange, Teal the Cows Come Home, and Light My Sapphire are some of my favorites in terms of new color names. But who can forget the oldies-but-goodies like OPI's I'm Not Really a Waitress, Cajun Shrimp, and I'm Fondue of You?
I was immediately drawn to Orly's Berry Blast and Bailamos colors, but for a goody-two-shoes kind of gal, the latter was going out on a limb...especially for my fingernails. I countered my interest in this color with thoughts of, "is that really an appropriate color for work?" and "who cares, they're my nails!" Then, I started to wonder what my nail color choices say about me. And, if I were to be named by a nail polish company, what name would most represent me? Several names came to mind...
1.) Magpie - my fondness for all things BSO (bright, shiny objects) makes me forget what I'm shopping for most days once I spy something shiny and new that catches my eye.
2.) Living on the Ledge - as a mom of small children, handling a full-time job as well as all the kids' activities sometimes causes moments of panic when I forget where we're supposed to be next.
3.) Grin and Wear It - any day is made better with a smile; no matter the situation.
4.) Overtures in Admission - I've recently had to admit some hard truths about my life, and hence, make some difficult decisions that affect more than just me.
5.) Pride and Joy x 2 - that would be my two children; always a welcome source of laughter and fun which makes everything else seem inconsequential.
I suppose what the above says the most about me though is that I'm not just one name. To live life to its fullest, I'm a combination of being tough, strong, and able to handle whatever comes my way. All the while, I'm looking for the good things in life because why else live if the good things aren't present in front of us? And most importantly, always look for that Pride and Joy in life. It's what matters most.
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