Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Silver Platter

Isn't it funny?  Life doesn't always bring us what exactly what we want, exactly how we want it, or when we want it.  Life does have a way though of bringing us what we need, when we need it, and in the best possible way we need it.  Seeing this  just takes a little perspective.

Think about it.  How many times has it seemed that the sky was falling, only to discover the solution lay at the intersection of Perspective and Understanding?  It’s not a matter of getting everything served to us on that gleaming, silver platter.  It’s about taking those side dishes life offers, mixing them with a little bit of Faith, and adding a dash of Hope to come to a solution that was better than what we thought we needed off that silver platter in the first place.

The option doesn't have to be 'There is No Solution’ if we'll only see the possibilities of things from a different perspective.  Then, the solution comes to us in forms we may have never realized could occur.  That’s when we’re truly blessed!  Blessed with the things we were intended to have, but couldn’t see past our own selfish desires to create.

Serve it up!  Enjoy it!  Think about everything in a whole new light…the results will be spectacular!